Mostly, there is a standard process for bags manufacture, whatever backpack, tote bag, shopping bags, travel bags, shoulder bags,crossbody bags,waist bag with big or small size, for adult or kids, carry for school, shopping, travel, daily, commute, outdoor, sports or camping. They are bulk finished under a basic process in bags factory like YOUCCO.
Purchase material & accessories - Warehouse checking- cutting the fabric- printing-sewing- some other more process like bartack, cross stitching, overlock by machine- QC checking-packing-shipping..
But there are a lot details will be different in different factories.
As a over 10 years professional bags factory, Youcco have been verified by BSCI and ISO9000.
We have professional team and system to guarantee the bags are produced with right material and accessories, a good printing appearance, high quality to make the bags durable and functional. Full QC checking process to make sure the bags are clear, prefect, packing team pack it right.
We will show in video the full process, the machine we used, the team we have in youcco.
Contact us for a free quote now!
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